Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Country Style

Are you heading out to the country for your summer vacation and can't find what to wear? Try vintage! Cotton is a must have for your vintage outfits. Try a dress with cotton and lace, or cotton with eyelet design! Or simply pair a denim button down shirt with a pair of colorful jeggings. A woven bag is really cute paired with any vintage outfit. Leather shoes look really nice to top off your outfit. But remember, be comfortable, don't wear an itchy dress just because it's vintage. Have fun wherever summer take you!

Outfit; Forever 21 ankle boots, Abercrombie and Fitch lace skirt, GAP striped tank, CAbi denim shirt

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dreary Day Solution

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been waiting for the perfect rainy day for this post. Enjoy! 
Are you stuck in the midst of a dreary day, and just want to step right out of the spell? Well that's why I'm here, to fix your problems. So, heres the solution, add a splash of color! Try a colorful trench coat! Or maybe colorful jewelry. You wouldn't believe how much of a difference a dash of color can make on even your dreariest of days. It brightens you physically and emotionally.

Outfit; American Eagle skinny jeans,GAP striped tee shirt, CAbi convertible jacket, Target rain boots

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Too Much Ink

Do u have too many ink color clothes in your closet and need colors to match? Well here's the answer to your prayers. Deep indigo actually makes color really pop. The next time you are stuck with ink, try pairing it with colors such as coral, highlighter yellow, amethyst, or even turquoise. I can guarantee that these colors will brighten your deep indigo, and see the light.


Outfit; American Eagle top, American Eagle frayed denim shorts, GAP flip flops